HOBAS Jacking Pipe

HOBAS Jacking Pipe systems are unique and have a variety of installation benefits that give it advantages over other jacking pipe materials.

Smaller outside diameters means that major savings can be realised from reduced tunnel/bore sizes from the corresponding reduction in excavation for the same nominal bore.

HOBAS CC-GRP Jacking Pipe Systems show high compressive strength and consistent superior quality. Due to the smooth, non-absorbing exterior surface, very tight OD tolerances and lighter weight construction, HOBAS CC-GRP Jacking Pipe Systems experience the lowest pipe jacking loads in the industry. The lathe cut square ends and natural material resiliency, mean HOBAS Pipes transfer jacking loads with better distribution, and more forgiveness, than any other product, thereby resulting in the highest reliability available. Only HOBAS pipe can be jacked without the use of timbre spacer rings, which are considered the weak link in most jacking pipes.

Jacking Pipe: